Thank you to our emergency services personnel

Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the many volunteer and professional firefighters, police and emergency service personnel who kept our Dunsborough residents, staff and property safe yesterday. This photo shared by the Wallcliffe Volunteer Fire Brigade shows just how close the fire came, and also how much care was taken by the responders in making sure we were ok.

We’re grateful also for our wonderful staff who looked after Capecare residents so well throughout this emergency.

And many thanks to community members and families who were in contact throughout the afternoon and evening to check on our beautiful residents. 🙏

Meet our new volunteers!

Capecare recently welcomed a number of new volunteers to our Dunsborough team: (L to R) Michael Copeland, Lisa Annert, Kylie D’Arcy, Karen Barnard, Pepper Dickson, Lauraine Fogarty, Cheryl Thompson, Barton Hatherly and Elaine Graham. Not pictured: Robin Reilly and Sue Legge.
Our amazing team of volunteers give their time and skills to enhance the lives of our residents and assist our team of allied health professionals. Do you have a few spare hours to fill with something rewarding? Join our team and enjoy enriching the lives of our residents with social chats, garden and beach walks, games, cards, gardening, arts & crafts, outings and other events. And we love it when volunteers bring new skills to share.

Meet our sunny volunteers!

Our sunny volunteers enjoyed an outing to Taylor Homestead on the weekend to enjoy the amazing sunflowers and support a charity walk raising money for mental health. Thanks to all of our bright and cheery volunteers who were able to make it, and to special sunflower and Volunteer Coordinator Jo for arranging. If you’d like to join this happy bunch, enquire to Jo:


20 Ray Ave, Busselton WA 6280
Ph: 08 9750 2000
Fax: 08 9755 4696

Community Care & Respite: 08 9750 2097


171 Naturaliste Tce, Dunsborough WA 6281
Ph: 08 9786 5555
Fax: 08 9786 5508

Community Care & Respite: 08 9750 2097


If you’d like to make a difference to people’s lives, you can by making a donation to Capecare. You can donate now with your credit card via PayPal.

ABN 77 630 179 279