Happy Capecare clients and Allied Health staff pose for a photo in the gym

Allied Health Open Day

Capecare provides a wealth of allied health offerings  to our community and our team of professionals hosted an Open Day on 31 July to showcase our services.

Held at our Busselton gym, the day was officially opened by our CEO Tim Nayton. Being a Physiotherapist himself, he spoke about the importance that allied health services play in the goal for many in our community to remain in their own home longer.

Our Allied Health ManagerAnthony Galati-Rando  spoke about our growing allied health team and the range of professionals we have on staff. Our physiotherapists, occupational therapists,  exercise physiologists and allied health assistants provide a variety of services from rehabilitation, equipment assessment or tailored programs to improve strength, mobility or cognition for the client, all depending on  their individual goals.

Community Manager Lesley Cunningham explained the community home care offerings and how Capecare can support clients in a range of services through CHSP or homecare package funding.

Visitors enjoyed a group class presentation and a tour of the gym with an explanation of the equipment and their purpose.

The group enjoyed morning tea together and took the opportunity to speak to staff from both the allied health and community home care teams.

Winter warmer

Capecare’s annual Winter Warmer event acknowledges and celebrates those in the team who have reached significant service milestones with the organisation in addition to celebrating our graduating Trainees who have completed their Cert lll in Individual Support to become part of our care team.

On Friday 26 July, a large number of our staff members and board gathered at the Geographe Bay Yacht Club for our award presentations.

Award Recipients:

25 Years – Tracey Huitson

15 Years – Patricia Costello

10 Years – Virginia Hart, Ive Gulans, Suzanna Morley, Martin Organ, Robyn Organ, Val Hornibrook, Lallaine Dodd

5 Years – Cathy Farmer, Rachel Lowe, Grant Hewitt, Rose Parke, Shannan Judkins, Lee-Anne Spencer, Philippa Ayre, Hazel Gordon

Graduating Trainees – Katrina Spillman, Kimberly Kinninmont, Asnita Lata, Michelle Brooks

The last award presented for the evening is our annual Capecare Way Champion. This award is presented to a staff member who consistently demonstrates the values of Capecare. This year we had so many worthy nominations we couldn’t choose just one and so awarded two! Kelly McIntyre our Lifestyle Coordinator in Dunsborough and Emma Watson one of our Community Support Workers were the worthy recipients.

We also got the chance to meet our new CEO, Tim Nayton, who started with Capecare this Monday. Tim told us a little bit about himself and how excited he was to join the Capecare family and how amazed he has been with the warm welcome he has received.

It was a fun filled evening and a great opportunity to come together as a team to celebrate.

Service milestones celebrated

Capecare’s annual Winter Warmer event acknowledges and celebrates those in the team who have reached significant service milestones with the organisation.  On Thursday night a large number of our staff members and board gathered at Dunsborough Country Club for some social lawn bowls and award presentations.

Some highlights:

  • Capecare Way Champion award recipient May Ling Yap. May consistently displays the values of Capecare. She is a dedicated and hardworking team member loved by staff and residents alike. Nothing is ever too much for May who always goes above and beyond.
  • Susan Erceg and Robyn Pearce marking 20 years of service to Capecare. Sue is an Enrolled Nurse in our Residential team. Sue is a much loved and respected member of the nursing team recognised as a leader and mentor who is always ready to help others. Admissions Coordinator and Resident Advocate Robyn has had an amazing and varied  career with Capecare. Robyn is in most instances the first contact our clients and family members have with Capecare and we couldn’t wish for a better advocate of who we are and what we offer to support the community.
  • Support workers Carolyn Reeve, Sonia Williamson and Parminder Kaur marking 10 years of service. Each of these valued staff members plays an important role in caring for and helping our community clients with daily tasks, allowing them to live at home for longer. All three are dedicated and passionate carers who we are extremely fortunate to have.
  • Registered Nurses Claire Rice and Manoj Matthew, Home and Garden Maintenance worker Shayne Macri and Roster Coordinator Liza Hellstrom marking 5 years of service.

Thank you to Capecare board members Yvonne Robinson, Jeff Dick, Glyn Palmer and Mostyn Hamdorf for presenting the awards and Dunsborough and Districts Country Club for hosting the event.

Capecare Busselton female resident Beth Clarke and carer Travis Dean sitting and smiling at each other.

Carer Travis Dean wins an award

“I’ve found my place” – those are the words of Capecare Busselton carer Travis Dean who has finally found a career he genuinely enjoys at the age of 41.

After working as a butcher for many years, followed by a decade-long stint at McDonalds, Travis is now completing his 3rd year with the not-for-profit.

Working his way up from carer support, to trainee, and finally full-time carer – Travis has never felt more content in his line of work.

His success was encouraged in March when won the ‘South West TAFE Excellence Award for Certificate III in Individual Support’ in a competitive field of over 1000 WA applicants.

“I was shaking when I received the award, I was so nervous,” Travis said.

“I really didn’t expect it. I don’t think I said anything to anyone for a while afterwards.”

Travis said he owed the award to his compassionate spirit and “not giving up”.

“I want to treat people the way I treat my mum and dad,” he said.

“I’m not there for me. I’m there for the residents. I’m a compassionate person and I really care about these people.”

Travis described his workplace at Capecare as a positive environment and that he knew it would help him achieve his vision of becoming a palliative carer.

“It’s a very welcoming workplace and I always feel happy to go to work,” he said.

“Palliative care is an area I think would be very mentally rewarding for myself.”

He said his ability to grow in the industry was due to the staff at Capecare who had helped him every step of the way.

“Any questions I had, they answered them and always went out of their way to help me,” he said.

“I’m very grateful to them.”

If you’re interested in a career at Capecare, contact hr@capecare.com.au or call 9750 2000 to speak to the recruitment officer.

For more information, visit Capecare.com.au

Male carer Travis Dean and Male resident David Clarke sitting next to each other outside, smiling at camera.

Capecare carer Travis Dean and resident David Clarke


20 Ray Ave, Busselton WA 6280
Ph: 08 9750 2000
Fax: 08 9755 4696

Community Care & Respite: 08 9750 2097


171 Naturaliste Tce, Dunsborough WA 6281
Ph: 08 9786 5555
Fax: 08 9786 5508

Community Care & Respite: 08 9750 2097


If you’d like to make a difference to people’s lives, you can by making a donation to Capecare. You can donate now with your credit card via PayPal.

ABN 77 630 179 279