Capecare welcomes 5 new graduate Carers
Last week we marked a significant occasion with the graduation of five new carers from South Regional TAFE’s Certificate III Individual Support (Ageing), which is an entry level qualification that provides foundation skills and knowledge to become a direct care/support worker. Employment and work with Capecare is a component of the training undertaken during this qualification, and we’re so pleased that each of the five graduates, Linda Sharp, Glenis Gleed, Ella Cull, Oceanna Fardella, and Olivia Hewitt is staying on at Capecare.
Capecare CEO Joanne Penman, pictured on the left of the photo, said the graduates’ commitment to aged care was more important now than ever.
“It’s incredibly important for us to be taking on graduates at a time where it’s really challenging for us to recruit in the aged care sector. Thank you for doing this important work and joining our team, we are so grateful to have you all and so proud that you’ve made it through your traineeship and you’re a shining example to our next group of trainees and I hope that you will go on to be people who influence the way we go about care.
“It’s a work we can feel incredibly proud of. We do make a really important difference to our community and we do provide exceptional care to people who really need us. I congratulate and officially welcome Linda, Glenis, Ella, Oceanna and Olivia to their carer roles and to Capecare.”
On the far right of the photo is Nichola Campbell, Lecturer Health and Community Services, South Regional TAFE Busselton Campus.

Graduates of the TAFE Cert III course who are all commencing work as Carers with Capecare