Capecare is committed to always providing the best care possible, but sometimes incidents occur despite our best efforts. An incident is something that goes wrong which causes, or has the potential to cause, unintentional harm to a consumer. An incident can include things such as medication errors, falls and pressure injuries.

The Capecare Consumer Incident Management Policy, Consumer Incident Management Procedure and Consumer Incident Reporting: Serious Incident Response Scheme outlines our commitment to consumer and client safety and what we will do in response to an incident.

We encourage consumers to report any concerns they have about theirs or others wellbeing or safety. We encourage them to discuss the issue with the Registered Nurse in charge, Clinical Coordinators, or Facility Manager. Feedback can also be provided via email or feedback forms distributed throughout the facilities.

If an incident occurs, Capecare also has systems in place to ensure that the incident is reported, investigated, and that appropriate actions are put in place to prevent it from happening again.

If consumers are involved in an incident, Capecare has systems in place to ensure they are supported. This can include meeting with our clinical coordinators to discuss and review ongoing care needs through a Care Plan Consultation, access to an independent advocate through Older Person’s Advocacy Network (OPAN).

An important part of Capecare’s response to an incident is open disclosure. Open disclosure is a timely and transparent discussion with the consumer, their family about the incident, acknowledging and apologising for what went wrong, explain the known facts, explaining the steps being taken to prevent it from happening again.

The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) requires all aged care providers and Home Care Services to have effective incident management systems in place. In addition, providers and services must notify the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission when eight types of reportable incidents occur which include unreasonable use of force, unlawful sexual contact or inappropriate sexual conduct, psychological or emotional abuse, unexpected death, stealing or financial coercion, neglect, inappropriate use of restrictive practice and unexplained absence from care.

Reportable incidents must always be reported within set timeframes depending on the level of harm and/or discomfort caused to the resident or client. Incidents with a higher level of harm need to be reported to the Commission within 24 hours, and incidents with a lower level of harm need to be reported within 30 days.


20 Ray Ave, Busselton WA 6280
Ph: 08 9750 2000
Fax: 08 9755 4696

Community Care & Respite: 08 9750 2097


171 Naturaliste Tce, Dunsborough WA 6281
Ph: 08 9786 5555
Fax: 08 9786 5508

Community Care & Respite: 08 9750 2097


If you’d like to make a difference to people’s lives, you can by making a donation to Capecare. You can donate now with your credit card via PayPal.

ABN 77 630 179 279